Monday, November 07, 2005

No, I haven't been locked in a moving vehicle for 2 months...

But I did manage to forget my password and for whatever reason in life I wasn't getting the "send me my password again" emails I requested several times over. But fear not, land lubber! I have resurfaced and shit-balls, there's a lot of catching up to do. The big Orlando audition is in 1 month and I'm starting to feel the pressure of not having chosen a song and not having a comp card yet. My solution is bafflingly simple: Focus all my attention on planning the upcoming housewarming/birthday party and ignore all inclination to plan ahead until the last possible moment at which point I will freeze up and be incapable of doing anything except those things most detrimental to my success at said audition, i.e. smoking, drinking, playing Hot Hoops at Jake's until 3am and other such debautchery. Which is, for all intents and purposes, the basic run down of any theater pursuant's average day. Christ it's comforting to know what you were put on this earth for.

So far all I've managed to do in preparation for this audition is get my headshot sent to Orlando. Ben says it doesn't look like me. I've yet to decide whether or not that's a good thing or a heinous insult.


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