Thursday, July 14, 2005

Some words of wisdom from the Dali Lama himself. So I got that goin for me.

It's pretty soul crushing removing the quarters from your Superman piggy bank to be able to afford a pack of cigarettes and a Diet Coke. But you're gonna make it through this, and you know why? You got chutzpah, kid. You got true grit. And you have an adopted Ethiopian son or daughter who will someday likely be El Jefe of Ethiopia and remember all your kindness, and gifts of cheese and toasted bread. Yes, the world is your oyster. The best advice I can give you while you're looking for jobs? Shake that ass, girl. I don't even have that option open to me. And that is why I am the saddest monkey in the world.


Blogger Bishai said...

The dudes love it if another dude shakes his ass at Gladstones. Out of like 50 male servers, there's like 10 straight guys.

2:19 PM  

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