Thursday, September 01, 2005

Beautiful as a whore's ass today, eh boys?

I really hope that Chicago is, in fact, trapped in this seemingly perpetual summer of 75-80 degrees and sunny every day. Honest to god, it's playing a major role in keeping me balanced lately.
Life is exploding all around me and I have to say, I'm glad for the change. Things were getting pretty stagnant for awhile, but as they say, when it rains it pours, and I really can't see any possible way that I could have more shit going on right now. I know by saying that I'm just begging for my apartment to burn down or for an emergency meeting to get scheduled in China next week. I feel like living dangerously.
The audition I briefly mentioned a few posts ago is still in the works. 2 months sounds like a long time to prepare 60 seconds worth of singing, but I'm freaking about it nonetheless. This could feasibly be the most important audition I ever get the chance to do. No pressure.
In news closer to home, say hello to the newest member of the Blue Moon Studio Theater company. My "call back" (i.e., my singing of 2 songs at open mic night at the local gay piano bar) was, if I may toot my own horn (and I will, thank you), f***ing awesome. Even I was surprised with me. I can't take all the credit; Eric did choose a brilliant selection for me when he picked "All That Jazz" which, consequently, I'll be singing in addition to 2 other yet-to-be-named songs on Monday, Sept. 12th at my very first performance with the Blue Moon Studio Cabaret at Davenport's piano bar on Ashland. I'll be first on the mic at 10pm and will be on the lookout for my cheering squad (come on, guys, you can give up Sidetrack for one night). There's a ton more I want to say on the subject, but believe it or not I'm actually really busy at work lately so I'll keep to the shortened version of my life.
Final sidebar: At Gentry on Tuesday when I did my call back I ended up talking to Random Gay Man #6, who stayed to hear me sing and then conveniently dropped the bomb that he is, in fact, a scout for 15 major record labels/casting agencies including Sony, BMG and Columbia. He doesn't work for them, but he publishes his own entertainment/fashion magazine and so is in close contact with them on a regular basis. He gave me his card and demanded I send him a demo, headshot and resume ASAP so he can "make [me] a star!" Normally I'd be very skeptical, but he wouldn't get any money out of this no matter what and it's not costing me a thing (except the possibility of raised hopes) and, in his words, "You belong on Broadway and I can help get you there. And the best part is, you don't even have to sleep with me!" Just one more example of why gay nightlife is 687% better than its hetero counterpart.
Going camping with Chris all weekend, pictures when we return.


Blogger Bishai said...

Hey what a bunch of great news! I hope everything with the promoter guy works out, I think him not being in LA gives him more cred, because here if someone's like "i can make you a star," he's likely full of shit. At the bars in hollywood, everyone's fucking "networking," and being fake-o-rama. The south bay scene is much more chill.

And today I logged onto friendster for the first time in months, so you and I are now officially friends for real and electronically.

7:32 PM  

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