Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Before I sputter out....

FINALLY, it begins.
Being stagnant in this piss of a job for the last 5 months has been more painful than expected, mostly because I've felt that it's the thing that's been keeping me from more actively pursuing a performing career. At the same time, it's only because of this job that I've been able to fund the headshots, books of sheet music and voice lessons that are so vital to my being successful in actually forging that career. It's been quite the conflict of interest since March and for awhile it was starting to look like it would be impossible to find a balace between these two major aspects of my life. But at last it seems that good things are beginning to happen for my performing future, if only for the sake of spurring me further along in my determination to drop everything else and DO IT.
I have 2 auditions coming up, and they couldn't be more different. Next Tuesday I'll be doing a "callback" of sorts for Blue Moon Studio Theater's cabaret. My first audition with them went pretty well (meaning they liked me enough to ask me to sing again, but I thought it totally blew) and now Eric's chosen 2 songs that he specifically wants to hear me do (and no one will appreciate the absurdity of this more than Flipper): All That Jazz from Chicago and I Dreamed a Dream from Les Mis. : ::Insert ironic chortle here:: :
Hopefully I'll do well with that next week and get to do some performing with Blue Moon while I get ready for the next big audition that'll be a full weekend long in Orlando this December. More details on that to come (and pleas for advice on what song to choose for it); it's a long shot but it could mean big things so I'm doing my best to keep from getting freaked out and nervous about it by focusing on getting in with Blue Moon in the immediate future.
I meant to go on about how what you do to support your own living so drastically affects what it is you do in your day to day life when you're not there, working to support your day to day life, but a staff meeting interrupted my blogging for about 1 1/2 hours and now it's time to go home. No offense, but getting the f*** out of here kinda outweighs my drive to complete my thoughts on the issue. Case in point.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

It's funny cause it's true.

You are Brian
You are Brian. The family dog and the most
intelligent member of the family. Try not to
wet yourself on the carpet anymore.

Which Family Guy Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Bands comprised of cartoon characters are highly under appreciated

For example, I find the new Gorillaz album to be delicious. Any thoughts?
Tonight is my audition at Gentry for the Blue Moon Studio Theater cabaret. I saw them perform at Davenport's piano bar last night, and a good time was had by all. As much as I would have denied it in high school, I so enjoy hanging out with theater people. Provided they accept me as one of their own, of course. Anyone with experience in a theater-driven academic institution knows first hand that the pain of rejection one can feel there far surpasses that of any foiled relationship or cut from a sports team.
Ass Ponies? I keep catching random sentences on the radio and I'm really quite confused about what the hell is going on down there on the 2nd floor.
Sweet merciful crap, I've had far too much coffee today. Come to Gentry on Halsted tonight around 10 and witness the pure joy that is open mic cabaret at a gay piano bar. Oh, and I'll be singing as well.