Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Vices, Vices, Vices

Last night I dreamed that my most recent ex, who has no inclination toward the creative in any way, was a tortured and incredibly well-known artist and began sending me dismembered pieces of his various multi-medium works, and that my roommate, who has no inclination toward the heterosexual in any way, became famous as the lead singer of a rock-metal band. I think I need to recalculate the proportions of my regiments of caffeine, vodka and illicit drugs. Something's out of whack here.

Our little corner of Lakeview saw quite the long weekend of sun and booze, a combination that has long been a personal favorite of mine. I managed to leave my keys at the office on Friday which kept us sitting in the lobby locked out of my apartment until about 9pm, at which time we decided to say Fuck It, went to Jake's to drink, smoke and throw darts and waited for Nick to get home to let us in. At that point we were, of course, liquored up and antsy for more, so we headed to Smart Bar at midnight for some Atom Smashers (wheeeee!) and electronic music. The DJs were actually really good and even managed to get us up and dancing at 3am, but the good clean fun screeched to a halt when Random Guy decided to showcase his dancing skills by initiating a prolonged, friction-inducing meeting between my left leg and his crotch. I took it as a sign that it was high time to abandon the dance floor and find something to do that didn't involve learning the intimate details of a stranger's erection. After all, this wasn't a Thursday and I do so hate to break from my usual routine.

What I consider to be the most exciting aspect of this weekend is better told visually, and so I'll wait on that disclosure until I get home. Last night Chris not only found a USB cable that fits my camera, he also figured out how to get a link to this blog onto my Friendster profile. What he doesn't realize is he'll never be able to get his hands on my computer again now that I can put pictures up on my various sites.

I may or may not be going to see Team Sleep tonight at the Metro, in addition to possibly or possibly not going to the Intonation Festival this weekend. My practical side, low-talker though it may be, is telling me that I need to be working and cleaning and sleeping and working out as opposed to being social. Now that I look at it written down, it's total crap. More later.


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