Thursday, July 07, 2005

You are a SRDL--Sober Rational Destructive Leader. This makes you a Mob Boss.

<-----I only date guys in negative. Lower maintenance.

Holy living fuck, where have I been? Blogspot kinda kicks Xanga's ass, I'm ashamed to admit that I've forsaken it for so long, and for what? For twat, that's what. Well now there's just way too much going on in my blogging life, I need to get it together before I can wax lyrical on anything of remote interest. I wonder if anyone even remembers this URL exists.........


Blogger Bishai said...

All hail Blogspot as supreme blogging leader!

12:35 PM  
Blogger B Rock said...

Just wait til I get home, get my hands on my digital camera and start uploading. Oh the mayhem, the mayhem....

12:37 PM  

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