Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Murphy's Law vs. Mama's Law

My mother read a book once called "Write it down, Make it Happen", and soon after became convinced that nothing is coincidental. Case in point, she could not recall having ever seen a yellow suede jacket before, but the moment she started looking for one, yellow jackets were everywhere. Her theory is that the jackets were always there, just not in the realm of her consciousness because she wasn't concerned with their existance.

I call bullshit.

I will in no way accept this mantra as an explanation for why I'm getting sick 2 weeks before a trip or why my personal trainer, history's most perfect speciman of man, is a newlywed. It's pure Murphy's Law, and I think I speak for a large portion of humanity when I say it's getting old. To hell with this "luck" nonsense, we're dealing with a LAW here. But where the randomness is lost, it would stand to reason that control is gained, and so I propose this: Up the rules, a rebellion is in order in which the bus doesn't come until you've finished your cigarette, the flu never hits you over the weekend and there are always good looking singles around the day after you get dumped. Fuck the fucking facists, and stay outta Malibu, Lebowski!

Any suggestions on how to make this rebellion a reality are welcome, so long as they don't involve writing it down to make it happen. Again. How intriguing, I seem to have trapped myself into a paradox of my own making. Damn you, Murphy!!!!!


Blogger Bishai said...

I think it's just that you never notice something till you start looking for it. Like how you learn a new word and then you see it used all over the place. Or how about when you lose something it's always "in the last place I looked," that's because you stop looking after it's found. Also, the world is filled with cruel ironies, that never helps.

12:51 PM  

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